Dame Laura Knight
This month we have had the privilege of receiving an article from our regular volunteer Paul, compiling the experiences of the artist Dame Laura Knight. My name is LAURA JOHNSON,…
This month we have had the privilege of receiving an article from our regular volunteer Paul, compiling the experiences of the artist Dame Laura Knight. My name is LAURA JOHNSON,…
There are many early examples of improper behaviour on the Hungerhills. I was reminded of this by a notice found by volunteer Mo Cooper in the Nottinghamshire archives. Town of…
The artist Dame Laura Knight is regularly mentioned in relation to the Hungerhill Gardens. Her Uncle Arthur was a tenant during the late 19th century, and, to her biographer, she…
On the 12 September 1862, the Nottinghamshire Guardian reported that an Amateur Horticultural and Flower fete by “a society, whose object is the promotion and encouragement of Horticulture and Floriculture,…
You may remember that the Rev. (and subsequently Dean) Samuel Reynolds Hole was synonymous with the St Ann’s Rose Show at St Ann’s Allotments. From attending his first show in…
For those of you who’ve experienced a tour of St Ann’s Allotments, you may recall that the principles of Victorian gardens, such as our allotments, were ‘Privacy, Pleasure and Peace’.…